Hier ein erster Blick auf die 2014er Ezzy Sails Segelpalette, die seit November 2013 in ausgewählten Surfshops bereit liegt:

Ezzy Lion 2014: Freerace-Segel mit 2 Cambern.
Ezzy Sails Lion 2014 Highlights:
· Twin cams provide great light wind power and high wind control.
· Narrow mast sleeve doesn’t fill with water, making water starts easy.
· Calibrated rigging guide gives precise tuning for better performance.
· Ezzy cam system will fit any RDM or SDM mast made in the past 20 years.
· RBS epoxy battens are stronger and stiffer than vinylester battens.
· Every Lion is rigged and thoroughly checked over in the factory.

Ezzy Elite 2014: 4-Latten Wavesegel in der robusten bewährten Ezzy Qualität
Ezzy Sails Elite 2014 Highlights:
• 4 batten, light-weight wave sail.
• Designed for on-shore and side-shore waves, as well as flat water.
• Super balanced and stable.
• Wide wind range, so fewer sails are needed in your quiver.
• Calibrated rigging system makes setting the downhaul a no-brainer.
• New printed downhaul indicators for rigging non-Ezzy masts.
• Bulletproof construction.
• We have added a 3.4 and 6.1 to the 2014 Elite sizing.
• Every Elite is rigged and thoroughly inspected in our factory.

Ezzy Cheetah 2014: Das kraftvolle No-Cam Freeride Segel
Ezzy Sails Cheetah 2014 Highlights:
· High performance freeride sail that sails like a cammed sail and gibes like a wave sail.
· Profiled panels produces a molded shape that locks the draft in the sail.
· Bullet-proof construction. No monofilm.
· Hi tech materials like Technora and Dyneema reduce stretching and provide years of durability.
· Color fusion cloth makes every Cheetah look unique. No two sails are the same.
· Calibrated rigging system guarantees the Cheetah is rigged to David Ezzy’s exact specifications.
· Every Cheetah is rigged and thoroghly inspected in the factory before shipping.

Ezzy Tiger 2014: Der Wave-Klassiker ist der legendäre Nachfolger des Ezzy Panther III.
Ezzy Sails Wave Tiger 2014 Highlights:
Refined from last years 5 batten design, we’ve upgraded the Tiger with color
fusion film, a beautiful new graphic layout, and both our Calibrated Downhaul
System and traditional downhaul head gauges are used.
The Tiger is designed for our more traditional customer looking for the classic
power, stability, and durability that sets Ezzy apart from all other sail brands.

Ezzy Legacy 2014: Das preiswerte Easy Surfing Segel in der bewährten Ezzy Qualität.
Ezzy Sails Legacy 2014 Highlights:
David Ezzy’s design goal with the legacy was to develop a pure and simple
sail while at the same time retaining the performance and durability that he
demands in a sail. By removing some of the extra features present on our
premier sails, the legacy is sure to fit anyone’s budget. The smaller Legacy’s
are wave designs, while the larger sizes are freeride.
The legacy tack fitting uses a removable D-ring, that can be replaced with our premier pulley.
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